8 things forbidden during pregnancy that are no longer true

Finding out that you are pregnant is a source of joy for most women at first. Then come the fears of hurting or that complications appear suddenly.

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As a rule, mothers, who want only the best for their child, find out very early on what to watch out for during pregnancy. Often, however, this is confusing, as there is countless advice on the internet or from those around them that wants them to believe that they are putting their baby in danger.

The good news for all pregnant women: Much of the stuff that is prohibited during pregnancy is outdated and simply out of date, as recent studies show.

We can forget the following 8 prohibitions during pregnancy because they are completely exceeded:

1. Strict rules on weight gain

You should document your weight throughout pregnancy to watch for any problems that may arise, but today it is no longer an obsession. Weight gain depends on each woman and it is no longer necessary to follow the rule of 1 kg maximum per month. This rule which made a large number of mothers self-conscious and which, of course, does not make too much sense is outdated.

2. Avoid allergens

For a long time, pregnant women were prevented from consuming potential allergens such as nuts, eggs, strawberries or milk so that the baby would not develop allergies. However, it has been proven that this strategy is ineffective and that, on the contrary, it is even unhealthy to avoid important foods such as milk, which provides calcium, a very important mineral for the body, especially during pregnancy.

3. Wait before buying baby items

It was said that buying clothes or furnishing the room of the unborn baby at the very beginning of the pregnancy was bad luck and was therefore practically prohibited. Fortunately, this belief is outdated. Of course, the bedroom doesn’t have to be ready in the first three months, but if you fall in love with a cute onesie, you can buy it. However, you should definitely start preparations no later than mid-pregnancy. The pram should also be purchased fairly quickly, as some suppliers have very long delivery times.

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4. A strict meal plan

The good news first: Pregnant women don’t have to change their entire diet. However, certain foods should be avoided. If you are not immune to toxoplasmosis, raw meat, raw fish, and raw milk cheese are prohibited. Single-food diets, such as rice, or low-salt diets are not recommended. As a general rule, pregnant women should eat a regular and balanced diet.

5. Don’t eat fish

Before, pregnant women were forbidden to eat fish and seafood so that the baby did not suffer from allergies. Fortunately, however, this claim has turned out to be false and it is now known that two meals of fish per week are healthy, even during pregnancy. However, pregnant women should be careful about the types of fish they eat, as some have a higher pollutant load.

6. Distance yourself from pets

Before, when a woman got pregnant and had a cat, she was advised to give the animal, because the latter could transmit toxoplasmosis to her. You don’t have to be so heartless and radical, just avoid cleaning the cat litter box (which should make some people happy). This also applies to rodent cages. And they should also wear gloves when gardening to avoid contact with animal droppings.

If there is a risk of allergies in the family, before, experts often advised to abandon the pet to protect the baby. However, studies have shown that children who come into contact with animals and their allergens early in life are less likely to have allergic reactions as they grow older.

7. Coffee, tea and Coca-Cola are to be avoided

For a long time, there was a strict warning against consuming coffee, tea and Coca-Cola during pregnancy, because caffeine increases the baby’s heart rate and prevents normal growth. In fact, this only applies to really high consumption, but not to women who drink a glass of Coca-Cola or a cup or two of coffee or tea per day. However, pregnant women should avoid sweeteners because they can stimulate contractions.

8. Frequent visits to the doctor

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a few years ago it was common for pregnant women to be closely monitored medically. Most gynecologists even performed ultrasounds every 4 weeks and ordered many (unnecessary) exams. Fortunately, that has changed again and a new serenity applies to pregnant women. Doctors and midwives even share preventive care equally. And even pure midwifery care is covered by most health insurance companies, always on condition that it is not a risky pregnancy.

Although there are certainly some restrictions during pregnancy, there is no point in panicking excessively and depriving yourself of everything. Stay alert, but above all take advantage of this special moment. Always seek professional advice and don’t be fooled by myths and beliefs.

You can find even more tips and facts about pregnancy and parenthood in the following articles:

Source: babyhängematte

Cover images: ©pinterest / she ©pinterest / floridamemory

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